Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fast Weight Loss Answer

Quick and fast weight loss looks to be becoming an increasingly popular practice amongst Americans. Dieticians, psychologists, personalities and talk show hosts appear to be springing up with new fad diets that force you to drop your excess weight the fastest. Unfortunately, fastest doesn' t necessarily mean healthiest and fast weight loss might be detrimental to health and a predisposition to weight gain in the future. As fast weight loss shocks the body into dropping pounds quickly, you will notice that once a person resumes normal eating patterns, or even treating themselves periodically, they will gain back weight, and often times put on excess weight in the process. As fast weight loss definitely has its gains, especially when obesity creates acute health problems, it could also create a few problems that could lead to further illness in the future.

The following information will give you a heads up on some of the fad diets and dieting tricks that will help you drop weight quickly, in addition to some of the side effects and health risks you may experience, so that you could make an educated decision about whether fast weight loss is for you.

Cosmetics or Health: What's Your Motivation for Fast Weight Loss?

Fad diets seem to be the greatest way to lose weight quickly, however they should not be used as a long term solution to weight management. Fad diets are meant to help the dieter to quickly drop weight for various reasons. They frequently work by cutting out a major portion of the regular diet, forcing the body to burn calories on the food that is provided. This is most often recognized by fad diets like Atkins, Fit for Life and Slim Fast all cut out a major portion of the average meal. On the Atkins diet, people stock up on protein and eliminate carbohydrate from their diet. This allows the dieter to eat a major total of fat, as the carbohydrate is not present to stick to the fat.

This diet creates obvious problems with things such as heart disease and cholesterol, as the body cannot safely consume a great deal of fat. The Fit for Life diet maintains a higher metabolism by forcing the dieter to eat or drink only fruit and water until noon, at which time they may sensibly eat as they wish for the rest of the day. This works on the principal of boosting the metabolism in the morning, then again this could cause a person to go into hyperglycemia, sufferingfrom symptoms similar to diabetes. Slim Fast twice daily might essentially end up giving the individual more calories than they would eat in an typical meal, only not supplying them with the nutrients necessary to maintain a healthy diet.

Often times, people don't actually need to lose weight; they just want to as it would make them feel better for a special occasion. In this case, people should use techniques such as drinking additional water, cutting out salt, and eating foods that are easy to digest for the day or two prior to the event. Crash dieting is not suggested, then again momentary periods of cutting out food groups are unlikely to cause heaps of damage, providing a normal diet is resumed.

Article Source: www.iSnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=126446&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet
Posted on 10:42 AM / 0 Comment / Read More

Monday, October 29, 2007

Free Weight Loss Diet Plans For A Healthier You

Losing the extra pounds may mean that you have to eat less, but the thing is, the process of losing weight can actually take a lot of money. The money that you are supposed to save from decreasing your food intake will go into paying for those gym classes and maybe buying those weight loss drugs that are very popular in the market right now. That is why those with limited budgets opt to find free weight loss diet plans so that they can get rid of the excess weight without paying loads of cash.

Freebies are everywhere! There are lots of free weight loss diet plans available online that claim to be effective and will make you lose the pounds in no time. Since there are so many of them, make sure that you make good in your research and choose the best free weight loss diet plans that will work best with your body.

You have to remember that in order for any diet plan to work, you need lots of willpower and dedication. Aside from investing considerable amount of time and energy for it, mental and emotional motivation is necessary to make the diet plan work.

Here is a basic example from those free weight loss diet plans, which you can follow to work towards the type of body that you want.

1. Exercise, exercise, exercise! Sure, there are lots of those diet drugs that promise to perform miracles on your flabby figure. But you really cannot be certain that those pills are safe for your health. Exercise is still the best way to lose weight. All those best free weight loss diet plans will tell you that. Not only will it shed off the unwanted pounds, it will also make you feel stronger and invigorated.

Exercise not only makes the body look good, it can also do wonders for your mind and well-being because of the rush of endorphins resulting from physical activity. You can exercise at home or go to the gym if you can afford it.

A trainer will evaluate your fitness level and will advise you on the amount of exercise that you should be getting, specifically the number of repetitions and the amount of time that you have to spend on a particular exercise session.

Now, if you don't have time for the gym, you can just increase the amount of physical activity in your daily routine. For instance, you can walk up the stairs instead of riding the elevator, or ride a bike instead of riding your car to the nearby cafe.

2. Aim to be healthy, and not just fixated on getting thin. The best free weight loss diet plans will tell you that thin does not necessarily mean healthy. Most people, especially women, get fixated on just being thin, when they should aim to be healthy and not just slim. Being thin is nothing if you get sick quickly, or if you get tired easily.

The best body is not only slim, but also full of energy, with a strong immune system. You can accomplish this by eating the right foods. Depriving yourself entirely of food will not give you a healthy body; in fact, it is dangerous to your health.

3. Juice up! Fruits are loaded with vitamins and enzymes that will give you not only a sexier, slimmer body but also glowing, clear skin. Instead of drinking soda or chocolate milk, opt for a glass of freshly squeezed juice instead sans the sugar. This will help you avoid the horrific amount of calories that come with soda and chocolate.

Juices can make your skin look young and supple, and can also increase your energy levels. It can be the perfect substitute for your afternoon coffee. The best free weight loss diet plans will tell you to load up on fruits and veggies, and you will be on the right track if you drink juice more often.

Flor Serquina is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The-Good-Diet.com. She provides more information on topics such as free weight loss diet plans, South Beach diet Phase 1 recipes and diet to control high cholesterol that you can research on her website even while lounging in your living room.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Flor_Serquina
Posted on 12:59 PM / 0 Comment / Read More

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Myth of Fast Weight Loss

You will be surprised to find out how many people are actually looking for a fast weight loss program. Why fast? Well, first of all, most of us are impatient. We live hectic lives. We want results now, we want to notice the change right away, and we don’t want to work hard to achieve those results.

Most people eat what they want all year round, prefer TV over exercising and dream about how next week (or month/year) they are going to start a healthy lifestyle. Suddenly one day they realize that it is just 2 weeks left before they have to go to a Christmas party or that summer is coming up and they want to look good in the new bikini. Usually around this time I get hundreds of emails - all of them pretty much the same “I have this event coming up in two weeks. I need to lose about 10-15 pounds. What is the fastest way to do it?”

Of course TV and Internet is full of commercials that promise you to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. They even show you tons of pictures of fit, smiling people with perfect bodies. Just pop a magic pill 3 times a day and you will turn into a supermodel right away. Sounds good, right?

I hate to disappoint you but this is just another scam created to get your money. There is no such thing as fast weight loss. I’m sure I’ll get some infuriated replies like “That can’t be true! My friend Maggie lost 16 pounds in two weeks doing Low carb diet!” Well you are in for another disappointment. Your friend didn’t lose any fat. She lost water and muscle.

Human body is a well coordinated working mechanism. It has no idea that you’ve decided to fit in a size 8 dress and doing some new fad diet. It thinks you are starving. It’s too concerned about survival to allow us losing weight fast. Instead your metabolism slows down to conserve the energy. As soon as you’ll start eating normal food you’ll gain all of your weight back and some extra pounds in addition to that.

To make it simple fast weight loss is always followed by fast weight gain. No exceptions. In addition to that when you lose weight too fast, your skin does not have enough time to shrink, it will become loose.

The right amount of weight that the average person can lose in one week by eating correctly and doing exercises is around 2-3 pounds. That is a healthy, safe, effective amount to lose. Only that way you can get long lasting results. I know it is not as fast as many people would like to lose weight, but think about it how long did it take you to gain weight? I bet you $1000 dollars you didn’t gain 20 pounds in two weeks. It is only logical, that your body will not allow you to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Sorry!

I’m trying to save your money here, so repeat after me “There is no machine, no special diet, no special workout program, no special pill or special patch that will help me to lose weight fast and healthy at the same time”. Repeat it to yourself every time you have an urge to buy some “quick fix” no matter how appealing it sounds.

Remember people who have created these commercials are professionals who know what you would like to hear. Don’t let them fool you. Just try to eat right and work out. Be consistent. Make one little step at a time and you’ll be surprised how far you can actually go.

Copyright 2005 Arina Nikitina

Arina Nikitina is the owner of a Free-Weight-Loss-Zone.com website where you can find free weight loss guide, weight loss myths, and a collection of diet and fitnes articles. Visit:http://www.free-weight-loss-zone.com
Posted on 8:35 AM / 0 Comment / Read More

Friday, September 21, 2007

The Key To Fast Weight Loss

As human beings, we are creatures of habit. We tend to create routines that guarantee a series of small pleasures or comfort. Though routine can bring a sense of order to life in an increasingly chaotic world, it can be counterproductive when working out - following the same exercise regimen over and over not only gets boring, but can lead to exercise plateaus that can decrease your results.

Performing the same activity repeatedly at the same level makes the body more efficient, which eventually results in lower caloric expenditure from the activity. In fact, research shows that by sticking to just one activity, the number of calories burned by exercisers may decrease as much as 25 percent..

For instance, if you normally exercise for 45 minutes four days a week on a treadmill with the same intensity and time for each workout, over time you will not benefit as much as you did when you began. Your body will become accustomed to the routine, and it can become increasingly difficult for you to meet your fitness goals. The repetitiveness also can be boring - even with music, TV or a magazine for distraction, the exercise might become mundane, which also can decrease the likelihood you'll continue working out.

Fitness professionals agree the best solution to dodge exercise plateaus and workout boredom is cross training. Cross training simply means mixing together a variety of exercise activities into a varied regimen. Cross training works because of 'energy efficiency'. This means that your body becomes accustomed to a certain type of exercise after a period of time. If you mix it up, you are surprising your body, which responds by burning more calories in an effort to 'adjust' to the new exercise. For example, if you play tennis after a long time, you feel sore the next day, because it's something new for your body. As you play more often, it get's easier to adjust (time to try something new?)

Do you work out at a gym? Instead of 45 minutes on a treadmill each time, jump on a Lifecycle exercise bike for 30 minutes, then spend 15 minutes on a stairclimber. Swim one day and lift weights another. Health clubs with an extensive choice of group exercise classes make cross training a breeze; once a week try indoor cycling, step aerobics or kickboxing. Check out the newest classes emphasizing stretching and toning, such as Pilates or yoga.

Home exercisers also have options. Some treadmills can be raised for steep hill climbing one day, lowered for running flat the next. Or vary the intensity level - alternate going hard for five minutes and easy for five minutes. Premium equipment usually offers different exercise programs to help spice up your workout. Just try experimenting - even participating in a recreational volleyball or softball league can add to a well-rounded, varied workout regimen.

Clinical studies show most people plateau in their exercise programs somewhere between their sixth and eighth week. Exercisers should make sure they change their routines at least that often to maintain workout efficiency and prevent boredom. Ideally, having at least two different activities should be alternated daily or conducted within the same workout.

By taking the routine out of exercise, fitness fans can reap positive results and enjoyment from their workouts. The result - Feel better, look better - after all, variety is the spice of life.

Article Source: http://www.ApprovedArticles.com

For more information about these exercises and to get free full color exercise routines, diet plans and grocery lists, visit Best Weight Loss Programs and Toning For Women. You can train with Nitin at the Phone Fitness Trainer website
Posted on 3:41 PM / 0 Comment / Read More

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Super Fast Weight Loss

As a personal trainer, my main goal is to help clients get results as fast as possible. Individuals drop out when they don't see results, or if they have to work way too hard for perceptible change.

It is the quality of exercise, and not the quantity (duration) that yields perceptible change. Today, our lives are more hectic than ever. Making time for exercise can be difficult, if not impossible. There is good news. A mere 15 to 20 minutes a day is enough for fitness gains, as long as you are regular. This means that you do not have to spend hours sweating for great results.

The following tips help you get the most value for your time and supercharge your weight loss efforts. These tips save time, but also require consistency. You will see results within a few weeks if you stick with these ideas.

1) Do exercises that use multiple muscles, called compound exercises. Consult your gym instructor/ look online for a suitable program. For example, a squat uses the front and back of your legs as well as your butt. After each squat, add an overhead shoulder press using a light dumbbell and you will hit even more muscles. 'Isolated' exercises such as biceps curls and triceps extensions are less effective.

2) Focus on large muscle groups. Working your biggest muscles burns tons of calories and will give your metabolism a good boost. These muscles are your butt, thighs, back and core that is, lower back, abdominal and oblique muscles.

3) Increase the intensity of the cardiovascular workout. This increases the calorie burning effect and cuts the time. If you walk, then jog. If you run, then try the occasional sprint. An incline on a treadmill works well too. Instead of doing forty minutes of walking, jogging or low impact aerobics go on a bike or treadmill at a high intensity for twenty minutes. If you have been working out regularly for at least a month, you could try doing intervals.

4) Try periodic boosts in intensity. Exercise at a level that to you is hard, or very hard for two minutes. Then, lower your effort - but keep moving! - For one minute. Repeat this cycle for twenty minutes.

5) Double up your exercises. Rather than resting between sets, use that time to work a different muscle group. For example, alternate one set of biceps curls with one set of triceps dips. Alternatively, do a set of seated leg extensions with a set of leg curls. These are super-sets and they nearly double the number of exercises you can do in a short time.

6) Combine strength and aerobic workouts - Circuit training. Doing this type of work out gives you calorie-burning benefits with strength gains. For example, do a strength exercise for one minute. Without taking any rest, move on to another. Every two or three exercises add one minute of jump roping or your aerobic activity of choice for one or two minutes.

7) Squeeze in short bursts of exercise during the day - Before your morning shower and breakfast, or during your lunch hour, squeeze in two sets of ten of the following bare-essential moves: crunches, pull-ups, push-ups, squats and lunges. These calisthenics target and tone most areas of the body but do not take more than a few minutes to do. Short bursts of exercise add up. If you can accumulate 30 minutes of physical activity in a day in short bursts, you will get the same benefits you would if you did it all in one session.

8) Mix it up! Variation is the key to long-term progress. Monotony in an exercise routine leads to boredom, which will eventually lead to no exercise. A change in the type of aerobics, or your specific weight training routine will avoid this problem and will give you greater fitness benefits. You will burn more calories and stimulate muscles in a new way, achieving more in less time.

Article Source: http://www.ApprovedArticles.com
For more information about these exercises and to get free full color exercise routines, diet plans and grocery lists, visit
Best Weight Loss Programs and Toning For Women. You can train with Nitin at the Phone Fitness Trainer website
Posted on 3:53 PM / 0 Comment / Read More

Monday, September 17, 2007

Weight Loss Plans - What You Need To Know

There are so many weight loss plans out there today that it is very easy to become confused and frustrated. Many people will skip from one plan to the next and when they fail to lose the weight they will give up. But there is a weight loss plan available that will help you lose weight. But it takes some work. Read on to discover a sensible weight loss plan that should work for just about everyone.

The weight loss plan I am referring to is not so much as a plan but a lifestyle change. This is where a lot of people make their mistakes. They are trying to find the next "magic bullet" that will melt off the weight with little or no effort. It's not going to happen. To successfully lose weight and to keep it off you need to make a dedicated effort for a lifestyle change. So let's look at what I mean by a lifestyle change.

Think about what you eat on a daily basis. Do you eat out at least once a day? Do you snack on high calories foods in between meals? How much exercise do you get every day? If you are eating junk food and not exercising, then it is easy to see how you are packing on the pounds. But how do you make a change?

Changing your daily habits is not going to be easy. But if you are really serious about losing weight, it's important that you get yourself in the mindset that you will do whatever it takes to make this weight loss plan successful.

The first step is to start taking your lunch to work. Pack fruits or other healthy snacks to eat in between meals. This will not only save you calories but it will also save you money. It is important to eat about six small meals a day when you are trying to lose weight. Eating these small meals will ramp up your metabolism and help you burn more calories.

Another important factor to make your weight loss successful it to drink plenty of water. Try having a glass before you eat a meal and you will eat less. The water will make you feel full before you start to eat. Water will also help your body work more efficiently.

In addition to changing your eating habits, it's important to get some exercise each day. Even if you feel that you don't have time to exercise, there are things you can do to burn calories throughout the day. Whether you are shopping or going to work, make it a habit to park farther away from the entrance. Walk at a brisk pace wherever you go.

Stop taking the elevator and always take the stairs. Just making these few changes will help you burn more calories. Do some research on the Internet for other exercises that you can do at your desk or on your break and lunch hour.

As you can see, a weight loss plan is a great idea if you see it as a permanent lifestyle change. You have to be determined to exchange your poor eating habits for healthy ones. If you can do this you will lose the weight and most importantly you will keep it off.

You can find more on Weight Loss Plans as well as much more information on everything to do with weight loss at Weight Loss Review
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Terry_Edwards
Posted on 10:50 AM / 0 Comment / Read More

Friday, September 14, 2007

Quick Weight Loss Diet Plans - Dieting to Lose Weight Fast

by: Michael Lee

We’ve heard the claims before — quick weight loss diet plans promising fast results that are nothing short of unbelievable. Many people succumb into all sorts of quick weight loss diet plans, only to lose motivation and fail miserably halfway in following the plan. Thus, they may end up right where they started or even gain a pound or two afterwards. Read on to know how to pick the right weight loss diet plan, and how to stay on course.
The term ‘plan’ itself denotes preparing and goal setting. It involves a highly structured, well-organized schedule of meals and food combinations you must adhere to on a stringent basis; otherwise the quick weight loss diet plan falls apart. Diets, despite their variations, all have common ground upon which each of their systems is based.
Diet Plan # 1: Ditch the Junk Foods.
Junk food is the first to go. Think of the undertaking as a challenge to be met and overcome, rather than treating it like a prison sentence.
If you go on a diet halfheartedly, fretting over the things you will be forced to give up, you will only set yourself up for failure and disappointment. Instead, set a reasonable and attainable goal and timeframe, something you’re sure to achieve, and then reward yourself afterward.
Having a sense of accomplishment is a great way to stay motivated and determined to see this through. For this, the ideal diet would be a more flexible one, like the Mayo Clinic Plan, which puts more emphasis on eating healthy choices — like having your fill of unlimited fruits and veggies — than eliminating unhealthy ones. This plan lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and cuts down the risk for heart, disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer.
Diet Plan # 2: Just Say No.
If you get sidetracked and find yourself indulging a wee bit more than usual (read: cheating), do not abandon your quick weight loss diet plan altogether, simply because you feel you are no longer consistent.
Just make up for your mistake by eating twice as healthily as before. Remove temptation from your life (and your pantry!). Do your grocery shopping on a full stomach so you do not feel compelled to grab every snack in sight. Stock up instead on healthier alternatives, like whole grain foods.
Know the difference between a craving and real, honest-to-goodness hunger. When you hear that jelly doughnut a-calling, imagine yourself eating some other kind of food, like chicken, for instance. If you’re really hungry, you’ll want to eat whatever food comes to your mind. If anything other than that jelly doughnut seems like a bad idea, then what you have is a craving that must be ignored.
Eat smaller portions more frequently, about every three hours, because when you allow yourself to get hungry, it will be that much difficult to suppress your appetite and you will have a tendency to overeat.
Diet Plan # 3: Take Your Pick.
If you prefer a more rigid and quicker weight loss diet plan, try the famous South Beach Diet. It has three phases, the first of which takes two weeks long and is the most restrictive. Its specific menus do away with most of the carbohydrates you know and love, like bread, pasta, sugar, and alcohol, making it a seemingly difficult diet to hurdle. The Atkins Plan, on the other hand, provides three meals and one snack a day. It focuses on eating lean meat and eggs, and like the South Beach Diet, targets carbohydrates first.
The ideal would be to shed one to two pounds a week. Anything more than that would be too risky as it isn’t just unwanted fat you may be losing, but all-important muscle tissue as well. This is why exercise and physical activity are just as essential to quick weight loss as eating right, because building muscle helps to burn all those calories away.
There are many other quick weight loss diet plans in existence, precisely because there is no single diet that will work for everyone. Whether low-fat, low-carb, protein-rich, all-vegetarian, or whatnot, it is still up to you to decide which plan you think will suit you best. And remember, when in doubt, always consult your physician first.
About The Author
Self-help expert Michael Lee has prepared a FREE extreme fat-burning course that reveals amazing secrets on quick weight loss and how to lose belly fat fast at http://www.20daypersuasion.com/fat-secret.htm
Posted on 2:58 PM / 0 Comment / Read More

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Weight Loss - free information on losing weight

When you think of weight loss and losing weight, the first things that probably come to your mind are either those "lose weight fast !!" articles that are in every magazine and newspaper in the world that never work and are written by some personal training idiot that has no idea what they're talking about... or maybe you're thinking of all of those weight loss pills that claim to be safe and allow you to "eat whatever you want and still lose weight because the pill will do all of the work for you" or whatever stupid line they are using to get you to buy their useless unsafe weight loss product. Or, maybe you're thinking of rice cakes and never eating and being hungry all day long.

Well, if you are thinking any of those things, forget it! Forget all of it!
What I am about to give you is totally FREE, detailed, easy to understand information on weight loss and losing weight and how to lose weight and fat without using any type of pill or supplement, without using some "fitness magazine" diet, and by eating not 1, not 2, not 3, but 5 meals a day! Sound impossible? Sound too good to be true? Sound like I'm going to make you buy my "book" or order my "product" first before I tell you? Well I'm not! I don't have a book and I don't a have product. I am not trying to sell you a damn thing! What I am trying to do, no... what I am GOING to do, is tell you exactly how you can lose weight. Enjoy...

Weight loss is simple, burn more calories then you consume. If you can fully understand that then you are on your way to losing weight. There are 6 simple steps. Here they are:

1) Count how many calories you eat in a normal day. That's right, wake up, and eat like you would normally eat and count the calories in everything you eat and everything you drink and keep track of it on a piece of paper or on the computer some where. You might be thinking to yourself, "yeah right, I'm not gonna sit around counting calories all day." Well, if you're thinking that, then you're obviously not dedicated enough to losing weight. If this is the case, then feel free to go waste your money on the newest useless weight loss pill. But, if you are dedicated enough to take 10 minutes out of your day and count the calories, then keep on reading.

2) At the end of that day, add up the number of calories you ate/drank. Be as exact as possible. Once you add it all up, you now have the total number of calories you consume daily. Also, weight yourself.

3) Starting the day after you counted calories, eat 500 calories LESS then you normally do. So, lets pretend that the day you counted calories you counted 2000. For the rest of the week, you would eat 1500 calories a day. Understand? All you have to do is subtract 500 from the total number of calories you consume in a normal day, and eat this new number of calories every day for the next 7 days.

4) Instead of eating 3 big meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner), or eating all day all the time, spread those calories out over 5 smaller meals. Eat one meal every 2 and a half to 3 hours. Doing this will speed up your metabolism.

5) Cardio. Cardio is an important part of weight loss. If you're serious about losing weight, but don't want to do the cardio workouts, then you are requiring your diet to do all of the work. Jog, walk, swim, jump rope, ride a bike, take an aerobics class, whatever... cardio + proper diet = better than just doing one of the two. All it takes is 30 minutes a day, 3 - 5 days a week. I say 3-5 days a week because I don't know if you have 5 pounds to lose, or if you have 50 pounds to lose. So, depending on how much your looking to lose, figure it out. 3 times a week is good starting point though. (For information on the most effective time of the day to do your cardio workout, read doing cardio for maximum weight loss)

6) At the end of that week, weigh yourself. You'll notice a difference just after one week! Now, don't expect to see a 20 pound difference. Losing anymore then 1 or 2 pounds a week is unhealthly. So look for a 1 or 2 pound weight loss at the end of the week. Don't sound like much? You can lose 5-8 pounds a month! That's around 75lbs a year! So if you have A LOT of weight to lose, you can lose it. If have just a few pounds to lose, you can lose it.

Source : http://www.intense-workout.com/weight_loss.html
Posted on 7:02 PM / 0 Comment / Read More

Friday, August 10, 2007

The Positive Weight Loss Approach

Once you have made up your mind to lose weight, you should make that commitment and go into it with a positive attitude. We all know that losing weight can be quite a challenge. In fact, for some, it can be downright tough. It takes time, practice and support to change lifetime habits. But it's a process you must learn in order to succeed. You and you alone are the one who has the power to lose unwanted pounds.

Think like a winner, and not a loser - - remember that emotions are like muscles and the ones you use most grow the strongest. If you always look at the negative side of things, you'll become a downbeat, pessimistic person. Even slightly negative thoughts have a greater impact on you and last longer than powerful positive thoughts.

Negative thinking doesn't do you any good, it just holds you back from accomplishing the things you want to do. When a negative thought creeps into your mind, replace it reminding yourself that you're somebody, you have self-worth and you possess unique strengths and talents.Contemplate what lies ahead of you. Losing weight is not just about diets. It's about a whole new you and the possibility of creating a new life for yourself. Investigate the weight loss programs that appeal to you and that you feel will teach you the behavioral skills you need to stick with throughout the weight-loss process. First you should look for support among family and friends. It can be an enormous help to discuss obstacles and share skills and tactics with others on the same path. You might look for this support from others you know who are in weight loss programs and you can seek guidance from someone you know who has lost weight and kept it off.

There are success stories across the country today. On television and in newspapers, magazines and tabloids about people who have miraculously lost untold pounds and kept it off. In all instances they say their mental attitude as well as their outlook on life has totally changed.

Diets and weight loss programs are more flexible now than they once were and there are many prepared foods already portioned out. They are made attractive and can be prepared in a matter of minutes. Low-fat and low-calorie foods are on shelves everywhere.

You will probably need to learn new, wiser eating skills. You will want a weight loss regimen that gives you some control, rather than imposing one rigid system. Look for one that offers a variety of different eating plans, so you can choose the one that's best for you.

Keep in mind, too, that your weight loss program will most likely include some physical exercises. Look at the exercising aspect of your program as fun and recreation and not as a form of grueling and sweaty work. The fact is that physical fitness is linked inseparable to all personal effectiveness in every field. Anyone willing to take the few simple steps that lie between them and fitness will shortly begin to feel better, and the improvement will reflect itself in every facet of their existence.

Doctors now say that walking is one of the best exercises. It helps the total circulation of blood throughout the body, and thus has a direct effect on your overall feeling of health. There are things such as aerobics, jogging, swimming and many other exercises which will benefit a weight loss program. Discuss the options with your doctor and take his advice in planning your exercise and weight loss program.

Submitted by Ronnie H. Williams VI
Posted on 10:10 AM / 0 Comment / Read More

Fast Weight Loss? It's Possible With A Simple Mindset Twist

By: Rob Poulos

A simple twist in that "quick fix" idea to one of more long term and constant success in your goal to lose fat will indeed take you down the correct path"quick fix" mindset to one of long term success in your hopes to lose fat will steer you down the correct path. You'll be less enticed by the late night TV hype, and more focused on doing the right things most of the time. Woudn't you agree with me when I say that what's most important is our long term health and fitness? You must create this environment in your body that allows you to lose weight fast...that is absolutely essential to your goals. A person who is in shape in their 50s and 60s is a lot more impressive to me than someone who is lean and fit in their 20s and 30s. It's obviously because those who have the dedication to maintaining an ideal exercise and nutrition strategy for life is a rarity in this world, for sure. It's a rare mindset.

To achieve fast weight loss permanently and transform your body and health for good, you have to make it a true lifestyle change...a new series of habits. And that starts in your mind. That's what the people who are lean for life do. In fact, if I think about all of the people I personally know that are in great shape and have been for a while, I start to understand that they have their minds on staying in shape. They think about it all the time, but not with obsession, with a keen eye on the idea of "Is this going to help or hurt my current and long term health and fitness"Is this going to positively or negatively impact my long term health and fitness?". "Am I doing everything I reasonable can to lose fat and live a healthy lifestyle?".

The good news is that research shows you can develop simple habits like those involved in eating and exercising properly in under a month…sometimes even sooner. The good news is with the type of exercise and nutrition tips I give my Fat Burning Furnace students, you really don't need to abandon your life's pleasures so that you have to work out every day. You also don't need to follow a crazy fad diet that you can't make a solid lifestyle out of. And after a few months of practicing these methods, I've found that your body will start telling you it wants to keep exercising and eating right…you just won't feel right with out it. Why? Because your body naturally wants to be healthy and lean. You can create fast weight loss by workouts that last between 15-25 minutes performed just 2-3 times per week.

So I ask you to forget the idea of merely "getting in shape" and instead make the idea of staying in shape and building the fat burning environment that is vital to life long health and fitness and fast weight loss"get in shape" mindset, and instead embrace the idea of staying in shape and creating that fat burning furnace that is so essential to life long health and fitness and fast weight loss permanently. Imagine yourself in the body of your dreams, today, tomorrow, and 5, 10, 20 or more years from now. What will you be doing then, in your lean, strong, and healthy body? Chances are, you won't be trying to "get in shape". Alternatively, you'll create fast weight loss all day long, every day, and you'll be able to enjoy life as you should...full of vitality and passion.

Article Source: http://physicalfitnessarticles.net/
Posted on 9:52 AM / 0 Comment / Read More

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Key To Fast Weight Loss - Exercise

By Ian Robertson, Managing Editor PhenForum Daily and the Weight Loss Club

You may ask yourself, “Why do I need to exercise AT LEAST three days a week?” There are plenty of reasons why you should be exercising and exercising consistently. There is not a single person that cannot gain something from some level of physical activity, whether it is walking around the neighborhood or lifting heavy weights at the gym. Simply put, exercise is an integral part of the journey toward good health.

What kind of benefits should you come to expect from working out three days a week? Exercise can alleviate many problems that some of us may deal with regularly. For instance, regular exercise helps to lower excess blood sugar and improve circulation in order to help with diabetes.

Also, for those that think that exercise might be too hard on your joints, exercise can not only strengthen the muscle around the faulty joint but strengthen the tendons and ligaments too so that discomfort is kept to a minimum.

Of course, exercise has noticeable effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, and, therefore, heart disease. Lastly, a good number of studies have now determined that senior citizens can actually peel the years back with exercise, not to mention strengthening those brittle bones too. Some cases have been so extreme that the most feeble of 85 year olds will begin exercising only to become as fit as an average 55 year old.

So, even if you feel like a “lost cause”, don’t give up! Now, everyone knows how good it is to be active, but what exactly should you be doing for exercise?
Resistance Training

This could mean bodyweight, dumbbells, weight machines, or surgical tubing. I would recommend spending about 30 minutes at least three days a week perfoming total body workouts.

Make sure that the pace is challenging, the weight is not too heavy so that your technique deteriorates, or too light so that your workout wasn’t demanding enough. This takes trial and error.

A sample workout I might give to a client would be 4 simple movements that utilize a push movement, a pull movement, a leg movement, and a core movement. So, pushups, pulldowns, squats, and situps. For these four movements, I would have them perform 25 repetitions for each movement, then 20 repetitions, then 15, and finally 10. This should be done with as few breaks as you feel you need and with as much passion as you feel you got.
Cardio Exercise

Cardio is best described as an exercise performed for extended periods of time. This could mean 30-45 minutes of biking at a moderate pace, jogging, elliptical, or stair-climbing.
All of the options burn significant calories, but some prove to be more demanding on the joints for some people. It’s all personal preference. Many people choose to perform cardio on two days sandwiched between the three resistance training days.

Just remember that you exercise to make yourself stronger, not to make yourself comfortable.
Posted on 2:37 PM / 0 Comment / Read More

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Fast Weight Loss - How Can I Lose Weight Fast?

By: Ian Robertson, CPT

Is fast weight loss possible?

Probably not at the rate that everyone would wish.
Fast weight loss means losing at most 1-2 pounds a week and maybe 3 pounds if morbidly obese. Note that I said, at most. Any program that promotes losing 10 pounds in 10 days is simply impossible to do in a healthful manner. Often times, these quick-fix plans rely on lost water weight which will be regained immediately once one's normal diet resumes. Next time you watch a commercial for pills like Hydroxycut or TrimSpa, keep your eyes open for the fine print that reads something like, "Results not typical." These companies use various ploys to trick the public into believing that the testimonials are the genuine words of actual customers and the before and after photos as being honest documentation of their transformations. Be smart and don't fall victim to this pseudo-fitness garbage being advertised, it's truly detrimental.

Myth: Targeting Fat Loss Using Exercises And Products

Another common tactic that those on the phonier side of the fitness industry also like to utilize is the perpetual flow of home fitness gadgets that with three easy payments will buy you a flatter stomach or whatnot. Since both men and women are insecure about their stomachs, those in this industry target them with various sit-up and crunch contraptions that advocate only minutes of exercise. One in particular promotes only 12 repetitions on one side and 12 more on the other to give the owner a nicely sculpted set of abs, all within 90 seconds. Impossible. You cannot work out in only 90 seconds and expect to achieve any noticeable results, especially when you are trying to isolate a single muscle group for the sake of fat loss. Furthermore, many fail to understand that ab work only leads to stronger abs, not subcutaneous fat loss, which is usually the goal of the buyer. So, don't waste your money on a product that won't give you the results it boasts to give you.

How To Lose Weight The Right Way:

The ideal path for weightloss includes a diet where your are reducing your usual daily caloric intake by 500 calories. With diet alone, one could lose a pound of fat a week just by removing a mere 500 excess calories. So instead of drinking 2 soft drinks a day and a cookie after lunch, have water instead and skip dessert. Now, couple this idea with smaller portions of lean protein and complex carbohydrates and more frequent meals so as to prevent hunger pangs. This will keep the metabolism high in order to maximize the body's calorie burning potential. As for exercise, work out three times a week and keep workouts to every other day. Also, make sure you blend the right amount of aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. Eat 5 meals a day, full of colorful fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, seeds, and nuts and exercise 3 times a week and you'll be guaranteed to lose weight as fast as the body possibly can, the right way!Ian Robertson has interests that range anywhere between playing drums to kayaking and kickboxing. Ian is a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Advanced Weight Training Specialist, as well as a Certified Nutritionist. He emphasizes functional and innovative training techniques to add variety and interest to his shockingly effective workouts.

Find out how to lose your extra weight forever when you visit the weight loss support group at PhenForum.com. Heck, if nothing else, subscribe to their free newsletter for some weight loss tips to help you lose weight without hurting your body like most people do!

Get your free Weight Loss e-book at http://www.PhenForum.com, a phentermine online community offering free weight loss tips, journals, exercise videos, recipes, diet guides, discussion forums, recommended phentermine pharmacies that are monitored for reliability.
Posted on 4:23 PM / 1 Comment / Read More

Free Fast Weight Loss Tips

These free tips will help you to lose weight fast.

  • Drink plenty of water. Make a habit of taking a drink of water on a regular basis. Also make sure that you drink a glass of water at least 30 minutes before a meal.
  • Don't skip meals. Tempting as it is, your body is likely to interpret regular missed meals as a move towards starvation.
  • Eat little and often. But follow the next two rules as well, otherwise you're likely to come unstuck.
  • Eat when you are hungry. Don't wait until the sound of your stomach rumbling wakes up the whole neighborhood. Just recognize when you feel hungry and eat something.
  • Don't eat when you're not hungry! You likely eat out of habit. Just because it's normally time for a meal doesn't mean you are hungry.
  • Stop eating when you're full. Notice when your body says "that's enough" and stop eating. Even if there is food left on your plate. It's OK to leave food on your plate. Next time, consider a smaller portion. But this time, feel happy to leave some food if you're no longer hungry.
  • Don't watch television or read while you are eating. Savor the taste of the food. Eat consciously rather than on auto-pilot. You'll enjoy your food more when you start to taste your food again.
  • Read the labels. Sugar contains "empty" calories but is often hidden on food labels. Watch for corn syrup, glucose, fructose, lactose, honey, molasses as well as plain ordinary sugar. Be especially wary of low fat foods - they often more than make up for the lack of fat by increasing the sugar content.

Above all, remember that it's OK to slip from your diet once in a while. Just because you eat badly occasionally doesn't mean that your whole diet plan was a waste of time.

For more tips, take a look at Smart and Effective Weight Loss.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Trevor_John

Posted on 3:43 PM / 0 Comment / Read More

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