Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fast Weight Loss Answer

Quick and fast weight loss looks to be becoming an increasingly popular practice amongst Americans. Dieticians, psychologists, personalities and talk show hosts appear to be springing up with new fad diets that force you to drop your excess weight the fastest. Unfortunately, fastest doesn' t necessarily mean healthiest and fast weight loss might be detrimental to health and a predisposition to weight gain in the future. As fast weight loss shocks the body into dropping pounds quickly, you will notice that once a person resumes normal eating patterns, or even treating themselves periodically, they will gain back weight, and often times put on excess weight in the process. As fast weight loss definitely has its gains, especially when obesity creates acute health problems, it could also create a few problems that could lead to further illness in the future.

The following information will give you a heads up on some of the fad diets and dieting tricks that will help you drop weight quickly, in addition to some of the side effects and health risks you may experience, so that you could make an educated decision about whether fast weight loss is for you.

Cosmetics or Health: What's Your Motivation for Fast Weight Loss?

Fad diets seem to be the greatest way to lose weight quickly, however they should not be used as a long term solution to weight management. Fad diets are meant to help the dieter to quickly drop weight for various reasons. They frequently work by cutting out a major portion of the regular diet, forcing the body to burn calories on the food that is provided. This is most often recognized by fad diets like Atkins, Fit for Life and Slim Fast all cut out a major portion of the average meal. On the Atkins diet, people stock up on protein and eliminate carbohydrate from their diet. This allows the dieter to eat a major total of fat, as the carbohydrate is not present to stick to the fat.

This diet creates obvious problems with things such as heart disease and cholesterol, as the body cannot safely consume a great deal of fat. The Fit for Life diet maintains a higher metabolism by forcing the dieter to eat or drink only fruit and water until noon, at which time they may sensibly eat as they wish for the rest of the day. This works on the principal of boosting the metabolism in the morning, then again this could cause a person to go into hyperglycemia, sufferingfrom symptoms similar to diabetes. Slim Fast twice daily might essentially end up giving the individual more calories than they would eat in an typical meal, only not supplying them with the nutrients necessary to maintain a healthy diet.

Often times, people don't actually need to lose weight; they just want to as it would make them feel better for a special occasion. In this case, people should use techniques such as drinking additional water, cutting out salt, and eating foods that are easy to digest for the day or two prior to the event. Crash dieting is not suggested, then again momentary periods of cutting out food groups are unlikely to cause heaps of damage, providing a normal diet is resumed.

Article Source: www.iSnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=126446&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet
Posted on 10:42 AM / 0 Comment / Read More

Monday, October 29, 2007

Free Weight Loss Diet Plans For A Healthier You

Losing the extra pounds may mean that you have to eat less, but the thing is, the process of losing weight can actually take a lot of money. The money that you are supposed to save from decreasing your food intake will go into paying for those gym classes and maybe buying those weight loss drugs that are very popular in the market right now. That is why those with limited budgets opt to find free weight loss diet plans so that they can get rid of the excess weight without paying loads of cash.

Freebies are everywhere! There are lots of free weight loss diet plans available online that claim to be effective and will make you lose the pounds in no time. Since there are so many of them, make sure that you make good in your research and choose the best free weight loss diet plans that will work best with your body.

You have to remember that in order for any diet plan to work, you need lots of willpower and dedication. Aside from investing considerable amount of time and energy for it, mental and emotional motivation is necessary to make the diet plan work.

Here is a basic example from those free weight loss diet plans, which you can follow to work towards the type of body that you want.

1. Exercise, exercise, exercise! Sure, there are lots of those diet drugs that promise to perform miracles on your flabby figure. But you really cannot be certain that those pills are safe for your health. Exercise is still the best way to lose weight. All those best free weight loss diet plans will tell you that. Not only will it shed off the unwanted pounds, it will also make you feel stronger and invigorated.

Exercise not only makes the body look good, it can also do wonders for your mind and well-being because of the rush of endorphins resulting from physical activity. You can exercise at home or go to the gym if you can afford it.

A trainer will evaluate your fitness level and will advise you on the amount of exercise that you should be getting, specifically the number of repetitions and the amount of time that you have to spend on a particular exercise session.

Now, if you don't have time for the gym, you can just increase the amount of physical activity in your daily routine. For instance, you can walk up the stairs instead of riding the elevator, or ride a bike instead of riding your car to the nearby cafe.

2. Aim to be healthy, and not just fixated on getting thin. The best free weight loss diet plans will tell you that thin does not necessarily mean healthy. Most people, especially women, get fixated on just being thin, when they should aim to be healthy and not just slim. Being thin is nothing if you get sick quickly, or if you get tired easily.

The best body is not only slim, but also full of energy, with a strong immune system. You can accomplish this by eating the right foods. Depriving yourself entirely of food will not give you a healthy body; in fact, it is dangerous to your health.

3. Juice up! Fruits are loaded with vitamins and enzymes that will give you not only a sexier, slimmer body but also glowing, clear skin. Instead of drinking soda or chocolate milk, opt for a glass of freshly squeezed juice instead sans the sugar. This will help you avoid the horrific amount of calories that come with soda and chocolate.

Juices can make your skin look young and supple, and can also increase your energy levels. It can be the perfect substitute for your afternoon coffee. The best free weight loss diet plans will tell you to load up on fruits and veggies, and you will be on the right track if you drink juice more often.

Flor Serquina is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The-Good-Diet.com. She provides more information on topics such as free weight loss diet plans, South Beach diet Phase 1 recipes and diet to control high cholesterol that you can research on her website even while lounging in your living room.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Flor_Serquina
Posted on 12:59 PM / 0 Comment / Read More

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